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To Ichron and other Aenigma members!

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Re: To Ichron and other Aenigma members!

Postby Noan on Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:45 pm

You have my ...whatever has more sustained DPS at the moment
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Re: To Ichron and other Aenigma members!

Postby Bauer on Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:10 pm

ill prolly be down
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Re: To Ichron and other Aenigma members!

Postby nota on Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:12 pm

Denial wrote:How exactly did they shank the first one? If anything the fact that they released it for free did anything but "shank" it, not to mention the countless patches released, one as major as what EA considers an expansion.

Just curious, when did you join the game (seeings as its been out for so long, there's a long history)?

Its has always been "free". The 000* key code has worked since they first published it.

And there was the 2.0 patch - which yes, was nice... they certainly never went back and fine-tuned the balance because the game in its general flop (they went broke) didn't give them enough motivation. And then everything broke. While everything was defunct they continued selling it in Europe (and the US). In the 6 month neglect after everything broke Jebus started patching it with Ex2. Then Valkyrie, Dorsk, and I started Savage Elite, which hosted Clan Savage (which was in competition with Uttars SEP bs). Since that time, which has got to be at least 3 or 4 years now, S2 has done nothing to the game besides let Uttar leave his urine stain on it and "release" it as "free".

When they finally came back into the public eye (their forums) they did no more than acknowledge that problems *might* exist, versus thanking Jebus and Valkyrie for spending huge personal sums and programming time keeping the game running in the US.

I hope the green makes sense:

DM / SE|Imagenota

PS. I'm only complaining because I loved Savage, and they let everyone down.
PSS. Had further parts of the SDK been release to Jebus and met a general acceptance, he had code in place that created huge amounts of content for the game, everything from weapons to races to physics. S2 didn't comply. Its the same reason that while the community spent huge amounts of resources in Samauri and whatever `wild west` mod there was, they also fell through the cracks. Leaving sac and flux rush.

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Re: To Ichron and other Aenigma members!

Postby kkay on Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:07 pm

Please take all Savage discussion to PMs. Mainly because no one gives a damn about it besides you 2 fools.

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