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Postby countchocula on Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:47 am




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Postby countchocula on Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:48 am




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Postby countchocula on Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:48 am




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Postby Korupt on Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:59 am

Mess with the best, die like the rest!

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Postby scroogeLOLBUTTSECKS on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:00 am

Korupt wrote:I was owning nubs like you before your dad blew his load on your mothers forehead. Either way, your comments don't offend me.

Whether or not I posted lyrics from a DISTRUBED song son, isn't sign of ownage.

im not trying to offend you, im trying to point out the fact that disturbed is the biggest pile of mtv nu-metal bullshit that is flooding the radiowaves today making people like you think they are hardcore for posting some horrible lyrics. so why dont you go back to your linkin park, slit your wrists, and drown in the blood.

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Postby Korupt on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:04 am

Oh Scroogie, did you think that up all by yourself!

The next time you have a great comment scrooge here's what i want you to do, ready?

Write it down on a piece of paper, okay, then, i want you to roll it up, and go fuck yourself with it!

FYI, I didn't post lyrics from disturbed and If I did, I really had no idea, but you knowing that it's lyrics from that band, tells me your probaly listen to the bullshit and probaly have no idea what good music is anyway. Have a great day kiddo!
Mess with the best, die like the rest!

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Postby Ichron on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:30 am

Korupt wrote:I was owning nubs like you before your dad blew his load on your mothers forehead. Either way, your comments don't offend me.

Whether or not I posted lyrics from a DISTRUBED song son, isn't sign of ownage.

Your insults come from that era, too. Why don't you come up with some new material there, Gallagher. You keep repeating shit that's been done time and time again.
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Postby Silverstein on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:46 am

:_ = tardface. Spread it please.

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Postby Korupt on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:10 pm

Ichron let me translate what you just said:

"I was just owned and my mother is currently slapping me with her didlo"
Mess with the best, die like the rest!

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Postby manx on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:21 pm

aww, turmoil came to congratulate us on the abnormal amount of CP we get from beating them in AB so often =)

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Postby Ichron on Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:23 pm

Korupt wrote:Ichron let me translate what you just said:

"I was just owned and my mother is currently slapping me with her didlo"

You call that owned? I call it you randomly spouting out fucks and shits in between cliche insults.

Tell me, how is saying "I was owning nubs like you before your dad blew his load on your mothers forehead" in any way owned? I consider it recycling the same shit that was thrown out as a joke while you were still a tadpole swimming in your father's beanbag. See, I can recycle the same jokes, too!

Oh, wait, I know what will REALLY set your ass on fire! I'll say you're a pale white virgin! Or maybe I'll say you're 13! No, no, I've got it! You play Magic the Gathering! Yeah! I really got you on that one!

How about you learn some new material, David Spade.
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Postby Cavos on Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:58 pm

manx wrote:aww, turmoil came to congratulate us on the abnormal amount of CP we get from beating them in AB so often =)

qft. and like real pro shit-talkers they've come to our boards to do it? lol gg.
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Postby Lyion on Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:14 pm

and that point of all this is?
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Postby Obvlivisk2 on Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:50 pm

Whats worse than someone flaming? Someone being the High Internet Flame Judge3000. Shut the fuck up faggot and come back with something other than "UR FLAMEZ R GHEY LOLOLOLOLZOOZOLZOZOLZO" Youve said that 0932409230942 times you retarded peice of shit. I hope you die in real life, in a fucking fire while watching Matlock rape your mother with Chuck Norris's grandma's douchebag. Fucking faggots, I bet you cream your loins at the sight of someone coming to your forums , only to say "ENJOY UR BAN LOLOLOLZ" like anyone fucking cares that they're banned from your faggot ass forums, oh noes I wont be able to come back and enjoy your website that Ive never read, or plan to after today. Whaaaaa. Suck a dick bitch. OH AND IM GONNA MOUTH YOUR INTERNET VIDEO GAME CHARACTER KOKZOKZOKZOZKOKZOKZOZOKZOKZOKZK TAKE THAT ONLINE I HOPE YOU CARE IN REAL LIFE ABOUT SOME PUSSY WHO MOUTHS MY VIDEO GAME CHARACTER LSOIDFOIASJSOIFJDOISAJ.

I lied, I really do care about what some random person on the internet thinks about my online role-playing video game pixelated character. Please, please dont type anything hurtfull, because I will care irl and take it to heart and never be able to live.

PS CAVOS: Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager called, he wants your mom to stop stealing his thunder. Ownt, faggot.

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Postby scroogeLOLBUTTSECKS on Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:58 pm

Obvlivisk2 wrote:Whats worse than someone flaming? Someone being the High Internet Flame Judge3000. Shut the fuck up faggot and come back with something other than "UR FLAMEZ R GHEY LOLOLOLOLZOOZOLZOZOLZO" Youve said that 0932409230942 times you retarded peice of shit. I hope you die in real life, in a fucking fire while watching Matlock rape your mother with Chuck Norris's grandma's douchebag. Fucking faggots, I bet you cream your loins at the sight of someone coming to your forums , only to say "ENJOY UR BAN LOLOLOLZ" like anyone fucking cares that they're banned from your faggot ass forums, oh noes I wont be able to come back and enjoy your website that Ive never read, or plan to after today. Whaaaaa. Suck a dick bitch. OH AND IM GONNA MOUTH YOUR INTERNET VIDEO GAME CHARACTER KOKZOKZOKZOZKOKZOKZOZOKZOKZOKZK TAKE THAT ONLINE I HOPE YOU CARE IN REAL LIFE ABOUT SOME PUSSY WHO MOUTHS MY VIDEO GAME CHARACTER LSOIDFOIASJSOIFJDOISAJ.

I lied, I really do care about what some random person on the internet thinks about my online role-playing video game pixelated character. Please, please dont type anything hurtfull, because I will care irl and take it to heart and never be able to live.

PS CAVOS: Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager called, he wants your mom to stop stealing his thunder. Ownt, faggot.

you quote disturbed lyrics, have mess with the best die like the rest as your sig, and now your talking about star trek while flaming people on an internet gaming forum.

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