Howdy, how the fuck didnt I see this thread?
Well, as some people know I was a hardcore DAOC player before I started with WOW, which was really shitty pvp wise. Both servers I played at, Mid/Percival as Drackaine/Savage, and Hib/Guinevere as Pulga Fazcabum/Enchanter, my gank group pretty much dominated the servers to a point where competition was no longer there. It so happened that the group I was in in Hib/Guin had to move to mid/perc in order to start from R0L0 so we are able to have some challenging stuff to do, other than ping ponging relics at will. But after the first month of decking out in artifacts and ML10 back then, we also dominated the server to a point of having no competition at all.
I am looking forward to experience the awesome RvR experience I had on DAOC, playing Warhammer Online.
Warhammers mechanics are seeming to be very very close to DAOCs, just by looking at the class and faction descriptions you can tell that most of it was based on DAOC realms and classes. Some examples are marauders self buff abilities, DW abilities, and medium armor can be compared to Savages. How they sorted the factions kind of like DAOC realms too, midgard = chaos/greenskins = melee based, highelves/darkelves = hib = magic based, empire/dwarf = albion = balanced factions.
Therefore, I would be glad to start out as the classes that are most similar to the classes I played in DAOC, hack-and-slash melee class savage style, probably the marauder, or pbaoe/single target offensive caster, bright wizard or whatever comes close to daocs enchanter.
Lastly, regarding to rolling out at the same server than nigmas/apocs, I would be very interested to play with/agaisnt known faces, so feel free to include thu drack in thu list